PROJECT TITLE: GRADe – Joint risk prevention and management system for Gradinari – Malu – Byala communities for a seif and developed cross-border region
- Lead beneficiary (LB): TAU Gradinari Commune, Giurgiu County, Romania
- Beneficiary 2 (B2): Malu Commune, Giurgiu County, Romania
- Beneficiary 3 (B3): Byala Municipality, Ruse District, Bulgaria
FINANCED UNDER: INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme
PRIORITY AXIS: 3 – A seif region
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: 3.1 – To improve joint risk management in the cross-border area
BUDGET: 705 521.22 euro (85% ERDF, 13% Romanian and Bulgarian state budget, 2% Partners’ own contributions)
- The population in general, especially the one within the cross border area (Gradinari – Malu – Byala)
- Public institutions with key competencies in risk management situations: water management institutions, environment agencies, emergency situation institutions at county level, weather forecast institutions in Ruse – Giurgiu area
- Public institutions that deliver public services involved in early warning and / or rescue services: local poilce units, health/emergency medical services, social services suppliers, NGOs, private companies in Ruse – Giurgiu area
AIM: Increasing the quality of the common risk management in Gradinari – Malu – Byala communities; progress of coordination of the management of decisions and intervention at county / district level
- Project start date: 12.2016
- Project end date: 08.2018
More information on projects financed through INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria may be accessed from the web page of the programme: