Joint application „Floods”
On 03.05.2018, Byala Municipality has organized the joint application „Floods” – “Municipal training Byala 2018”. The following were present: 10 volunteers from Gradinari Commune, 10 volunteers from Malu Commune, 10 volunteers from Byala Municipality, a translator, staff from the Municipality of Byala, District Police Directorate-Byala, Regional Service “Fire Safety and Population Protection” – Byala, a subsidiary of a Centre for Emergency Medical Assistance – Byala, Youth Emergency Team of the Regional Council of the Bulgarian Red Cross-Ruse.
The location has been the Production exploitation area of “Water Supply and Sewerage” Company-Ruse, “Electricity Distribution-North”, “Irrigation Systems”-Lower Danube Branch.
The exercise consisted of the following parts: opening – introductory module, theoretical part, practical command-staff part, practical actions and teaching exercises, analysis and debriefing.
Joint application „ Fire”
On 05.06.2018, the second joint application „Fire” has been organized by Malu Commune. The application has opened with an introductory module presenting the situation and the measures to be taken and then it was moved to a closed down building when a controlled fire has been extinguished with the water and foam truck. The guests from the Emergency Situations Centre in Giurgiu have also staged a rescue exercise caused by an accident; the electric power generator has also been used during the exercise.
The people that took part were 30 volunteers (10 from each partner), the JCC members from the 3 communities, representatives of the 3 communities (the Mayors and some members of the implementation teams), guests from the Police department, from the Emergency Situations Centre in Giurgiu and from CBCMCI, and there have also been two guests from the press. The mobile phones have been distributed among the volunteers, as well as the radio stations brought by the Lead Beneficiary.
Joint Application „Winter”
The Lead Beneficiary has organized the Joint Application” Winter” at Gradinari City Hall on 31.01.2019. Invitations to the partners have been sent in order to participate to the application. 30 volunteers have been instructed with regards to heavy winter and massive snowfalls situations for which the area is well known. Representatives from the Cross-border Cooperation Centre have attended and taken part in the application. The equipment procured through the project has been used during the application, such as the backhoe and tractor equipped with snow blade and trailer. The volunteers have been given the radio stations to use during the application. Also, the Lead Beneficiary B has given 10 radio stations to each partner to be used in case of emergency situations as mentioned in the AF.
The general objective of these applications has been to evaluate the efficiency of the intervention of the technical measures of the three communities, of the trained personnel, ensuring the response capacity, developing of aptitudes of the participants with regards to the correct use of the specialized and communication equipment, evaluation of the consequences of the probable sources of risks and psychological preparedness of the population for an efficient intervention, organization of the cooperation between the participatory forces, verifying of the effectiveness of the equipment and verifying of the efficiency of the intervention procedures for similar tactical situations.