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On 3rd of May 2017 at headquarters of Giurgiu County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations it took place the training session under Activity 2 – Creating a joint system for cross-border risk management in Byala – Gradinari – Malu area.

At the session participated representatives of Giurgiu Cross-border Center for Management and Coordination of the Interventions, and 3 members from each partner that were previously designated to take part in the Joint Coordinating Committee for managing local volunteering services created within the project.

During this session were presented information related to the cooperation on emergency situations for Romania and Bulgaria between 2011 and 2017. There were approached themes related to improving operational capacity, as well as increasing cross-border cooperation in emergency situations.

The accent was put on good practices related to interventions targeting natural disasters that the three municipalities from the project are confronting with – blizzard/massive snowfalls, fires, floods.